Monday, January 4, 2016

Ready? Set? Go!

Happy New Year!

The first full week of the year always brings a lot of excitement for me.  It's a time to get refocused after the holidays, and to get excited about all the people I want to be able to help in the next year.

There's always talk about new year resolutions and how people want to leave the previous year behind them for the promise of a better one ahead.  I often wonder how this practice came into existence.  Why do we place such emphasis on a new year as a starting point for goals?  What happens to those goals when obstacles arise in our path?

For me, distractions abound as a working mother.  Helping manage the lives of other people (little or big) lends itself to getting distracted from your own goals and life.  It becomes easy to fall into a routine and "go with the flow" of every day life.  If you add any physical aliments to your life, it can become easy to get off track.  Frequently, I am reminded of how many people suffer with symptoms that interfere with their ability to live the life they want.  Whether the interference affects their physical activity or their interactions with family and friends, the symptoms remove them from their life.

I want to encourage as many people as possible to stop letting physical obstacles keep them from attaining the goals they have for themselves.  Headaches, back pain, diabetes, heart disease all take you out of your life and away from your path toward goal attainment.

I have a limited number of spots for people this first month, of this new year, to help them create action steps necessary to improve their success of fulfilling their goals.  I am including a 30 minute consultation, at no charge, to remove any hesitations that might be present due to cost.  I don't want cost to be a reason for anyone to ever stay stuck on a path they are no longer happy on.

Please don't wait.  Seize the day and take control of your life and improve your future!

You can reach me via email, website, or call my office to schedule a consultation:


Wishing you a great start to a sweet 2016!

Dr. Angela Tharnish
Chiropractic Physician & Wellness Consultant

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